P. 13


                                                 TASK 5

                   Quest’attività prevede        Read the text about the parks in the city of London.
            la lettura di un testo e un          Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions
            esercizio che comprende              1-6. Put a cross (X) in the correct box. Only one answer is
            quesiti a scelta multipla.           correct.
            Dovrai quindi individuare
            la risposta corretta tra le          The first one (0) is an example.
            opzioni A, B, C o D per
            ognuna delle 6 domande.

            Dal titolo si intuisce
            l’argomento del testo: i parchi                            London’s parks
            di Londra.

                  Fai una prima lettura          The city of London has got about 3 000 big green open
            veloce senza soffermarti sul         spaces. Many years ago, some of  them were royal
            significato di ogni termine.         gardens, but now everyone can go there to rest, read,
            Hai colto il senso generale          run or walk.
            del testo?                           Richmond Park is one of the largest London’s parks and
            Se hai incontrato delle parole
            che ti sono poco familiari o di      it is very important for wildlife conservation.
            cui non conosci il significato,      The most beautiful and elegant is Regent’s Park with its
            sottolineale e chiedi aiuto          high trees surrounding the grass, lakes and gardens.
                                                 Inside the park, there is the London Zoo that is home to
                                                 about 20000 animals.

                                                 St James’s Park is the oldest royal park in London and it
                                                 is next to three very important buildings: the Houses of
                                                 Parliament, St James’s Palace and Buckingham Palace,
                                                 the queen’s home.

                                                 Hyde Park is the biggest park and it is famous for its
                                                 Speakers’ Corner. The park is divided in two parts by the

                                                 Serpentine Lake.

                                                 In Kensington Gardens stands the Peter Pan statue,
                                                 inspired by “the lost boy” of James M. Barrie’s books.

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