Page 73 - guida clil4
P. 73


 Teaching procedure/                    Language identification              Teaching aids and
 Learning objectives  Timing  Interaction
 Activities                              (Lexis and structures)           learning materials used

              Small group        T “Now, I would like you to work in      • Yellow and green
                                 small groups.                              highlighters
                                 Some groups will work on the
                                 Worksheet 2 and some others will
                                 work on the Worksheet 3.
                                 I’ll give you the directions in order to
                                 understand what to do.
                                 Each group will read the names of the
                                 animals/plants written on the graphic
                                 organizer it has got.
                                 Then, the members of each group
                                 have to share opinions in order to
                                 suppose if these animals and plants
                                 are typical of the Po River or if they are
                                 typical of the Nile River.
                                 So, try to distinguish the fauna and the
                                 flora that live in these two rivers.
                                 Highlight in yellow the words related
                                 to the Po animals/plants.
                                 Highlight in green the words related to
                                 the Nile animals/plants.
                                 If you think that the rivers have some
                                 animals and plants in common,
                                 highlight these words using the two

              Small group        Teacher “Children, have the              • Worksheet 4
                                 Worksheet 4: here you can find the         (page 155): List of
                                 solutions and check if you have done       solutions
                                 Now you have to exchange your
                                 worksheets and each group has to
                                 check the work of another group.
                                 When you finish, give a mark to the
                                 worksheet you received drawing a

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