Page 81 - guida clil4
P. 81
(timing about 3 hours)
Teaching procedure/ Language identification Teaching aids and
Learning objectives Timing Interaction
Activities (Lexis and structures) learning materials used
Whole class Teacher “I would like to start this • Activity 3 (page 166):
split in two lesson with a new game. Where do they live?
teams Do you agree with me?” – The Po and the Nile
Children “Yes, of course teacher!” fauna and flora game
T “So, let’s play Where do they live? • Some thin cardboard
It’s a game about the fauna and flora • A cloth bag
of the Po and the Nile. I think you will • A large, white
have fun! Can you see these cards?” wrapping paper sheet
C “Yes, teacher.” • Blackboard
T “Please, read the names of animals • Double-sided tape
and plants written on these cards. I’ll • Worksheet 4
put the cards in this bag. (page 155): List of
On the wall, there is a large sheet of solutions
paper. Look at it and tell me what you
C “There are two river drawings, the
Po River and the Nile River.”
T “Right! It’s necessary to split the
class in two teams.
Taking turns, a member of one team
at a time comes to extract a card from
the bag.
She/He has to show the card to her/his
team, read the word and after a quick
consultation with the team, she/he has
to tell if the word refers to an animal
or to a plant of the Po or of the Nile.
Then she/he has to stick the card on
the proper river.
If the animal/plant is common to both La Lesson 2
rivers you will stick the card between (Lesson Plan e materiali)
them. prosegue da pagina 158
In order to give instructions to your a pagina 169 sul sito
friend, I wrote some useful sentences
on the blackboard. ed è scaricabile inserendo il
Let’s exercise them... medesimo codice utilizzato
• Extract a card from the bag.
per il libro di testo
in versione digitale.