Page 51 - guida clil4
P. 51

Geography 4
               Lesson 1  The River Landscape                                                     The River
               Self-Assessment 1

                                     Draw a conclusion!


                  1   Did you like the activities? Read the sentences and draw the appropriate
                     smiley in the grid.

                                                           I liked...       I found difficult...

                   to sing and mime the song Row,
                   Row, Row Your Boat.

                   to describe the river pictures.

                   to draw my river landscape.

                   to prepare a wall poster with
                   all our drawings.

                   the sticky notes activity.

                   to search for words related to river.

                   the brainstorming activity.

                   to describe the river pictures in

                   to tell the words in English.

                  2   Read the following useful phrases and use them to discuss about Lesson 1.

                     • I liked... to sing and mime the song Row, Row, Row Your Boat. /
                       to describe the river pictures.
                       because... I had fun. / I like cooperative work. / it’s nice to share
                       ideas and opinions.

                     • I found difficult... to describe the river pictures in English.

                       because... I didn’t know the English words.

                   Name ..........................................................................................................................     Date ..................................

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