Page 53 - guida clil4
P. 53
(timing about 2,30 hours)
Teaching procedure/ Language identification Teaching aids and
Learning objectives Timing Interaction
Activities (Lexis and structures) learning materials used
Whole class Teacher “Today, we are going to play a • Playground or school
new game that is called Jump the river. gym
It’s better to play this game in the • Two skipping ropes
playground or in the gym because we
need a large place.
Ok! Now I’ll explain how to play the
game. Listen carefully!
We are using two skipping ropes.
Can you repeat it?”
Children “Skipping ropes!”
T “We have to lay these skipping ropes
down, on the ground.
They must be very close and parallel to
each other.
Can you help me, children?”
C “Yes!”
T “Thank you! Can you guess the
function of these two skipping ropes?”
C “A river?”
T “That’s great! Yes, they stand for a
Now, You have to cross this river. But,
you can’t go through it.
Be careful! You must not fall into the
river because there are crocodiles in it.
So, you have to jump over the river!
Now, stand in a line and play nicely,
respecting your turn.”
T “Ok, Nicola! You are the last one. La Lesson 2
Let’s move the skipping ropes farther (Lesson Plan e materiali)
apart! prosegue da pagina 88
Let’s play the second round. Ready?
Ok! Children, start jumping again. a pagina 103 sul sito
Now, be careful because the game
gets harder. ed è scaricabile inserendo il
Oh dear! You have fallen into the river! medesimo codice utilizzato
Sorry, you are out! per il libro di testo
in versione digitale.