Page 55 - guida clil4
P. 55
(timing about 3,30 hours)
Teaching procedure/ Language identification Teaching aids and
Learning objectives Timing Interaction
Activities (Lexis and structures) learning materials used
Whole class Teacher “Children, would you like to • Playground or school
play The enigmatic stones game? gym
We are going to play the game in the • Activity 3: The
gym or in the playground because we enigmatic stones,
need a large indoor or outdoor space. made up of:
I’ll explain the game to you. - 15 oval Word Cards
We can use two ropes as a boundary (page 118)
to build the riverbanks. - 15 rectangular
These 15 hoops act as stones placed in Definition Cards
the river to allow you to cross it. (page 119)
Inside each hoop you will find a - 12 Language Cards
Definition Card , which has got a (page 120)
rectangular shape. • White cardboard and
The child who starts the game has glue sticks
to turn the card over, to read the • Two skipping ropes
definition and to guess the word • 15 hoops
related to it.
Then the child can start crossing the
river, stepping on the next stone/hoop.
There, he has to turn the Word Card
over and check if he has guessed the
word related to the previous definition.
If so, he gets the Word Card and goes
on reading the next Definition Card.
If he doesn’t guess the word, he
loses his card/s and sinks in the river...
where crocodiles will eat him up!
The child who reaches the opposite
riverbank and gets all the Word Cards,
wins the game.”
La Lesson 3 (Lesson Plan e materiali) prosegue
da pagina 106 a pagina 131 sul sito
ed è scaricabile inserendo il medesimo codice
utilizzato per il libro di testo in versione digitale.