Page 59 - guida clil4
P. 59
Teacher: .......................................................................................................................................... Class: 4 Starting date: ......................................................... Ending date: ........................................................
Subject Area: Science Cross-curricular subjects: Geography and Art
Unit Topic: The River Fauna and Flora
N° of Lessons: 3 Timing: about 10 hours
WALT (We Are Learning To) • Make comparisons between an animal of an Italian river and one of an Egyptian river.
Through this Unit children will learn to: • Acquire information about specific river animals.
• Explore river fauna and flora. • Process information.
• Know the features of animals and plants of local and world rivers. • Use the specific subject language.
(timing about 3 hours)
Teaching procedure/ Language identification Teaching aids and
Learning objectives Timing* Interaction
Activities (Lexis and structures) learning materials used
Behavioural objectives 30 min
• To play in group nicely. Whole class Teacher “Children, would you like to • IWB or computer
• To work in group and sing a song?” • Worksheet 1
adopt a “Think/Pair/Share” Children “Yes, teacher!” (page 150): In and out,
approach. T “The title of the song is In and out, along the River
• To listen to the classmates along the River.
in a respectful way. Have the Worksheet 1, so that you can
• To complete the given read the text of the song.”
tasks. C “Thank you, teacher!”
T “You’re welcome, children! Pay
attention! First of all, I’ll ask you to
Language objectives listen to me reading the text.
• To learn and use the specific Then, I’m going to read it again and,
subject words related to when I pause, you have to repeat
the river fauna and flora. after me.”
• To grow familiar with the T “Now, I would like you to read the
basic scientific vocabulary.
• To become aware of the text of the song all together.”
pronunciation of words and T “I think you’re ready to sing the song!
phrases. You can have some help looking at the
text displayed on the IWB.