Page 63 - guida clil4
P. 63


 Teaching procedure/                    Language identification              Teaching aids and
 Learning objectives  Timing  Interaction
 Activities                              (Lexis and structures)           learning materials used

                                 C “L’anguilla!”
                                 T “Ok, eel. What about animals living
                                 outside or along rivers?”
                                 C “Il rinoceronte.”
                                 T “Do you want me to write it in
                                 the out or along column on the
                                 C “Out!”
                                 T “Ok! Let me write rhino.”
                                 C “Gli uccelli e le rane!”
                                 T “Great! Birds and frogs. Which column
                                 will I use to write these animals?”
                                 C “Out for birds and along for frogs.”
                                 T “Well done, children!”

              Whole class        Teacher “Let’s discuss the content       • Activity 1 (page 151):
              and individual     of a PowerPoint slideshow about the        The River Fauna –
              work               river fauna. What does the word fauna      PowerPoint slideshow
                                 mean?”                                   • IWB or computer
                                 Children “Animali!”
                                 T “Yes, fauna is a word referred to
                                 all the animals that live in a specific
                                 habitat, such as a river. So, let’s start
                                 considering some of the river animals.
                                 We are taking into account river plants

                                 T “Children, have the Worksheet 2.       • Worksheet 2
                                 It’s a chart where you will note down      (page 152): River fauna
                                 the names of the animals we are            graphic organizer
                                 meeting in the PowerPoint, but we
                                 can add other names, if you like.

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