Page 67 - guida clil4
P. 67


 Teaching procedure/                    Language identification              Teaching aids and
 Learning objectives  Timing  Interaction
 Activities                              (Lexis and structures)           learning materials used

                                 T “Now, I’ll give you the Worksheet 3    • Worksheet 3
                                 on which you have to write down the        (page 153): River flora
                                 names of the plants, as you did before     graphic organizer
                                 for the animals.
                                 It’s a chart organized in three boxes
                                 according to the places of the river
                                 where plants can grow.
                                 We can add other names if you like.
                                 First, let’s consider some of the plants
                                 growing along rivers.
                                 Do you know these plants?”
                                 C “Yes, one is bambù.”
                                 T “Repeat it in English: bamboo.”
                                 C “Il salice piangente si chiama
                                 weeping willow!”
                                 T “Very good, children!
                                 Repeat, please, weeping willow.”
                                 C “Weeping willow!”
                                 T “White poplar and alder means
                                 pioppo bianco and ontano. Repeat:
                                 white poplar and alder.”
                                 C “White poplar and alder!”
                                 T “Can you write down the names of
                                 the plants in the right box, please? It’s
                                 plants growing along rivers.
                                 Now, we are considering some plants
                                 emerging from water.
                                 What plants are these?”
                                 C “Le canne e il papiro.”
                                 T “Yes, reeds and papyrus. Repeat in
                                 English, please!”
                                 C “Reeds and papyrus!”
                                 T “You were able to translate those
                                 words in Italian because of the pictures
                                 and, for papyrus, of the similarity to
                                 the Italian word.
                                 What about the word bulrush? It is a
                                 funny word, isn’t it?”
                                 C “Yes, teacher!”
                                 T “Other English names for bulrush are
                                 cattail, because it looks like a cat’s tail,
                                 or reedmace that is a word made up
                                 of reed (canna) and mace (mazza). The
                                 Italian name for this plant is tifa.
                                 Have you ever seen this plant in rivers?”
                                 C “Sì, ma non conoscevo il nome.”

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