Page 23 - guida clil4
P. 23


 Teaching procedure/                    Language identification              Teaching aids and
 Learning objectives  Timing  Interaction
 Activities                              (Lexis and structures)           learning materials used

              Individual work    T “Have a sheet. Draw what you liked     • White paper sheets
                                 in the video. Don’t worry if you don’t     and drawing material
                                 finish now, you can finish at home.”

              Pair work          Teacher “Look at the map. What do        • Worksheet 3
                                 you see?                                   (page 27): The course
                                 Which is the name of this most             of the Nile River
                                 important African river?                 • Drawing material
                                 Its name is Nile River. Colour the Nile
                                 light blue.”

                                 T “Look at the map and follow the
                                 course of the Nile River from its origins
                                 near the Equator to its famous delta
                                 on the Mediterranean Sea.
                                 This river is actually the longest river in
                                 the world. It is about 6671 kilometres
                                 long (4145 miles).
                                 Now colour the Sahara desert orange.
                                 The Sahara desert is the largest desert
                                 in the world. Now let’s colour the
                                 Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea

              Individual work    Teacher “Have a copy of Worksheet 4,     • Worksheet 4
                                 read by your own.”                         (page 28): Egypt and
                                                                            the Nile

              Pair work          T “If you have finished, talk with your
                                 partner and discuss the information.”


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