Page 18 - guida clil4
P. 18
History 4
Unit The Nile’s Gift
Teacher: .......................................................................................................................................... Class: 4 Starting date: ......................................................... Ending date: ........................................................
Subject Area: History Cross-curricular subject: Geography
Unit Topic: The Nile’s Gift
N° of Lessons: 3 Timing: about 9 hours
WALT (We Are Learning To)
Through this Unit children will learn to:
• Apply Geography to interpret the past. • Identify the geographical location of the Nile River.
• Identify and describe the reasons for the Nile River’s importance in ancient Egypt. • Find out about ancient Egyptian people’s activities.
LESSON 1 Egypt Geography
Teaching procedure/ Language identification Teaching aids and
Learning objectives Timing* Interaction
Activities (Lexis and structures) learning materials used
Behavioural objectives 40 min Starter
• To listen to the classmates Proponiamo ai bambini un brainstorming. Whole class Teacher “Let’s do a brainstorming... • Blackboard or IWB
in a respectful way. Scriviamo al centro della lavagna o della What do you think about, when you
• To play and work in group LIM “ancient Egypt” e chiediamo ai hear the words ancient Egypt?
nicely. bambini di esprimere tutto ciò che affiora Tell me and I will write on the board/
• To complete the given nella loro mente leggendo queste parole. Interactive Whiteboard (IWB).
tasks. Accettiamo che rispondano in italiano, You can tell me the words in Italian,
• To work in group and ma noi trascriviamo le parole-chiave delle but I’m going to write them in English,
adopt a “Think/Pair/Share” loro risposte in inglese e, strategicamente, pay attention!”
approach. dividiamole già in cinque categorie che T “Now, look at all these words.
corrispondono agli argomenti: people, Why, in your opinion, did I write them
religion, geography, art, other. Per non in groups?”
Language objectives influenzare le risposte, solo in un secondo
• To know specific historical/ momento scriveremo i titoli. T “Ok, now let’s write the headings:
geographical vocabulary. Ottenuto un buon numero di risposte, people, religion, geography, art,
• To learn the specific chiediamo agli alunni di osservare i other.”
language related to the gruppetti di parole che si sono creati e
topic. domandiamo di scoprire il criterio con cui
sono stati formati.
Guidiamo i bambini affinché rispondano
con le cinque categorie, quindi titoliamo.
*Il timing suggerito è modulabile in rapporto al gruppo classe con cui si opera.