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P. 38

Geography 4


                                                 Unit The River

                        Teacher: ..........................................................................................................................................       Class: 4  Starting date: .........................................................       Ending date: ........................................................

                        Subject Area: Geography    Cross-curricular subjects: Science and Art

                        Unit Topic: The River

                        N° of Lessons: 3                 Timing: about 9 hours

                        WALT (We Are Learning To)
                        Through this Unit children will learn to:
                        • Explore the river landscape.
                        • Know the features of this specific landform.

                                      LESSON  1   The River Landscape

                                                                             Teaching procedure/                                                       Language identification             Teaching aids and
                            Learning objectives        Timing*                                                                Interaction
                                                                                   Activities                                                           (Lexis and structures)          learning materials used

                        Behavioural objectives          15 min    Starter
                        • To play in group nicely.                Introduciamo l’argomento con un’attività di                Whole class        Teacher “Children, we are going to       • IWB or computer
                        • To work in group and                    warm up: i bambini cantano e mimano                                           watch a video song. Listen to the        • Worksheet 1
                         adopt a “Think/Pair/Share”               Row, Row, Row Your Boat dopo aver                                             song, carefully.”                         (page 82): Row, Row,
                         approach.                                guardato il video musicale, scaricabile dal                                   T “Now, let’s sing and mime the           Row Your Boat
                        • To listen to the classmates             sito della casa editrice (                               song, all together. Are you ready to
                         in a respectful way.                     Chiediamo agli alunni di individuare                                          start? Ok! So, let’s pretend to row a
                        • To complete the given                   l’argomento che stiamo per presentare.                                        boat sailing on a stream... What’s a
                         tasks.                                   Per aiutarli nella risposta, mettiamo                                         stream?”
                                                                  in pausa il video quando appaiono i                                           Children “It’s a small river!”
                                                                  personaggi che remano sul corso d’acqua                                       T “Yes, a stream is a small, narrow
                        Language objectives                       e indichiamo il fiume. Aiutiamoci con la                                      river. Now, can you guess the topic we
                        • To try telling what a river is,         gestualità per suggerire il significato di                                    are going to talk about?”
                         giving definitions.                      “piccolo e stretto” e spieghiamo che la                                       C “River!”
                        • To learn and use specific               parola stream, ascoltata nella canzone,                                       T “Yes, we are going to talk about the
                         words related to the river               indica un piccolo fiume.                                                      river landscape.”
                         landscape.                               Consegniamo a ogni alunno una copia
                        • To grow familiar with                   del Worksheet 1, in cui è presente il
                         the basic geographical                   testo della canzone, in modo che possa
                         vocabulary.                              rileggerlo e fissare i termini specifici di cui
                                                                  si avvarrà successivamente.

                      *Il timing suggerito è modulabile in rapporto al gruppo classe con cui si opera.
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